
We say this ancient scripture is an Answered Prayer request.
It’s not a poem or just a famous quotation, but a real, authentic, and solid answered prayer. We will teach you why and how to walk within the spherical surfaces of this blessing.

Psalms 9012.com was created while considering
the first part of the 1572 Gregorian calendar by
Pope Gregory XIII.
The second part the Formula cycle years a
revelation from the Holy Bible’s creation story combined to make whole these two acts from history. Now available for us to number our days.

In 2020, Elder J.D.Bond, Sr devoted his resources to bring to the limelight. The Answered prayer.

Our website platform features tools to train, educate,
and entertain, it creates a foundation to build a stable future.
It will also show you in real-time how the seven formula cycle years are useful in your life and how to take action in personal discovery decisions beneficial to you. We will address the natural and spiritual aspects of Formula Cycle years pointing to spiritual assessment, measurements, and growth. We detail the stages of your most significant progress year after year, cycle after cycle…
Emphasis on how each year should coincide and add to a depth of spiritual growth and maturity Eph 4:13-14.
Much more than this, we believe you will find many things undeniable as we assist you towards avoiding pitfalls by ill-contrived motives. We are, In His Service.

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