All our hands must be raised together. We believe there is no greater expression that can be demonstrated in triumph for an answered prayer. This successful outcome has been in the making for centuries unknown to each generation until now.
We surrender to joy and enthusiastically embrace the freedom that comes with this request. We can say without equivocation. We affirm emphatically, that Psalms 90:12 is an Answered Prayer. An inspiration for billions in generations now and to come. As you Join In You will discover how this Answered Request impacts your personal life Today! This is the most educational, entertaining and high jinks concept you have ever experienced.
We raise our arms together to affirm energetically that Psalms 90:12 is an Answered Prayer for insights into events to come.
In the book My Numbered Days. You, too, can use the Formula Cycle Year’s Revelation of Psalm 90:12 to number your days. But first, take a look at how we apply this formula to calculate the perfect timing of some of the most significant events the world has ever known. Here in our web platform you can find the most important events in the lives of celebrities, world leaders, sports stars, etc., and why it happened then. You will learn how God micromanage our lives. Truly, his angels are encamped around those that fear Him.
View our example and take the test to proceed to checkout.
Elder Johnnie D. Bond,Sr Originator of Formula Cycle Years 2020
My Numbered Days
In this book I am demonstrating from my life’s experiences how being void of the type of wisdom that is requested, and prayed for by the psalmist. From most scholars’ commentary the Author is Moses the man of God. Moses is also credited with our Genesis creation writings experience.
In these psalms 90:1-12 he reminds us of God’s existence beforehand: no mountains,no formed earth he says of God you are everlasting to everlasting. Yet,we have this short life span on his earth.
The fear and awesome anger in his wrath the power of it cannot be measured or known. I share how everything I experienced by asking the question. Why do we have to experience anything? These dimwitted acts and actions by me did not require that I be eliminated from his existence nor from his earth before his revelation to me of Formula Cycle Years were manifested.
As often as I share with many in my taxi business these formula cycle years what they are experiencing my riders agree by saying that makes sense i am in my year of Authority or Abundance. One young man as I was dropping him off to see a friend shared with me his friend was struggling with drug addiction. I said how old he is. He said 27 we looked at each other and we said it together he is in his year of Struggle.
This is just the beginning,as we are able to record our experiences with the proper formula cycle age or year we are creating unlimited data to help all participants,members share what and how being taught how to properly number our days applying our hearts unto the wisdom that God desired for all humanity,Oh what mercy and grace I have witnessed in my numbered days! Again,I wanted to tell a story about a little boy born on the countertop in his grandfather’s grocery store. He didn’t know his great-great-grandmother had a relationship with a Jewish lawyer’s son that led to the birth of the grandmother who bore his mother who had Me.
At my conception, my mother was a stunning 21-year-old formula cycle age (7) beauty queen, according to my father’s often descriptions. He was a formula cycle age (5) Abundance
According to the DNA test results I obtained from the organization called 23andMe, my DNA is made up of 13.2% Jewish heritage.
Without any disrespect to my father’s great African heritage, which I am also vested in biologically.I call myself a little Jewish Kid. Even so, regardless of my nickname preference I stand proudly in the DNA of both heritages.
One of my goals in this first book My Numbered Days and others written by me is to introduce the Jewish community to its members that they should claim as part of their heritage. It isn’t shameful to recognize all seeds sown from the bowels of high testosterone in forefathers that cause them to mate with non wives of Judaism.It should be noted their offspring is also part of the birthright.
Why? Because we have the same intellectual business, wit, and understanding even the Godly first-born heritage status that’s recognized in the Bible as Abraham’s seed.
My book “My Numbered Days” established three facts.And I affirm putting me in front of a firing squad will not pressure or persuade me to deny these facts.
It has a three-fold purpose. The first is to show how God can choose whom he wishes to use to revive hope and determination in his people during desperate times. My essay on “I want to go with you” Where I witness my mother alive at her hospital bedside in a state of Rigor Mortis. I saw her after leaving this earth in a garden scene in a wedding style white dress. I called out to her twice requesting to go with her.. She said you have to go back..
Second after a Doctor convicted to serve prison time in the same federal prison camp in Tennessee as i served had found a book in the prison library written by Dr Lloyd John Ogilvie called Conversation With God. He said to me John , you are my friend. I would like for you to hold me accountable by going through this book with me. I was hesitant but because he said I was his friend I agreed to his request. Not knowing what to expect we started our first bible scriptures and prayer session at 9:30 pm lights in the prison dormitory were out at 10 pm. After the very first session I returned to my cube space alone although it had room for two inmates I was still unnerved,somewhat anxious with an indescribable anxiety so I knelt on my knees again to pray. Just then a glowing hand reached out to me. Even though I had knelt in frustration without understanding why I was being attacked. After that experience I was startled and amazed.
Finally,the rest of my 97 months all of 85% 7 years and one month was filled with daily research and studies like reading the New Testaments Alphabetically and then the Old Testaments making notes and compiling hundreds of sermons. I came to understand clearer year by year the in depth revelations about Calendar Years could also be Formula Cycle Year(s) (FCY) and Formula Cycle Age(s) (FCA) Both can be synonymous in meaning. These cycles are taken from the (7) seven days God Created the Earth and all its dominions and authorities within. These formulas are named fcy because they have numbers and run in cycles.(1) New Beginnings (2) Separation (3)Increase/Fruitful (4) Authority (5)Abundance (6) Struggle and (7) Completion/Perfection runs 7 years from birth or conception.
The cycle starts anew all over again. As you study this formula cycle concept you will come to acknowledge as I do. These are not coincidences,nor the occurrence of mere chance in our lives. But God is truly daily in control and in charge of our life’s Journey. He desire that we all walk in wisdom.
For us to do so we have incorporated the acts and actions of two men. Pope GregoryXIII and (Me)Johnnie D Bond, Sr Our purpose is to teach millions upon millions how to number their DAYS, using infallible proofs. To Grow successfully and manage our lives according to the wisdom he inspired.
Would it sound as a surprise that the calendar most of the world uses today was discovered by a Roman Catholic Pope?
Well, you don’t have to be. In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII put together the calendar that spans from January to December.
As a result, the calendar was named after him as the Gregorian Calendar. This is the most a lot of folks know. But what you probably don’t know is what inspired the calendar creation and the rigorous processes that led to its formation.
Pope Gregory XIII was born Ugo Boncompagni.Born:January 07, 1502. His character seemed to be perfect for the needs of the church at the time.
Additionally, his legal brilliance and management abilities meant that he was able to respond and deal with major problems quickly and decisively,although not always successfully. He ruled the Roman Catholic Church and all Papal States for 13 years from 1572 to April 10,1585. He
begin his rule in his Formula Cycle Age 7 Completion/Perfection 7×10=70 Before his death the Pope suffered from a fever on April 5,1585 and on
April 7,said his usual private mass still in ill health.He seemed to recover enough that he was able to conduct meetings April 8-9,although it was observed he was not well. But a sudden change on April 10 saw him confined to bed and he was noticed to have a cold sweat and weak pulse.
He received the Extreme Unction moments before his death. He died at a good old age of 83. Formula Cycle age (6) Struggle.7×11=77+(6)=83.
His election into the office of the pope was quite significant. The previous pope before Boncompagni assumed the time of Pope Pius V. But the then Cardinal Boncompagni opted to be called Pope Gregory XIII.
It is widely believed that many cardinals quickly endorsed his candidature because he was a reformer just like Pope Gregory I.
He also had the backing of the Spanish king, who sought reforms across the globe. As such, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that in his first year He also had the backing of the Spanish king, who sought reforms across the globe. As such, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that in his first year as service, Bomcompagni (Pope Gregory XIII) quickly designed the Gregorian Calendar to change how they calculate time and season.
Bomcompagni was not just a servant of God; he was also an exceptionally learned legal scholar and enthusiast. More so, he had great management skills that put him many steps above other candidates.
It will be safe to conclude that his vast learning, personal philosophy for life, and spiritual revelations made him see many reforms needed to put the world in order.
All these sums up to give us the Gregorian calendar. The calendar was designed to have 365.25 days per year. The figure coincides with the
earth’s revolution. It shouldn’t come as a surprise because Pope Gregory XIII is a promoter of arts and science.
Although commissioned by the pope, the calendar was authored by a doctor/astronomer named Aloysius Lilius. The promotion is astronomy was
the sole reason the calendar was a success in the first instance.
The January to December Calendar was great. However, the fraction of 0.25 days posed itself as an anomaly.
To solve this, leap years were introduced to have an extra day totaling 366 days.
This calendar that seems to be widely accepted today was rejected by many initially. It took over a hundred years before most parts of Europe
accepted it. But unknown to them, it was only a partial Answer to the Psalmist Prayer of Psalm 90:12.
Through the Gregorian Calendar, and the Awesome Formula Cycle Year Revelations of this Author’s vision will assist us in numbering our days to make judicious,prudent and sagacious use of our time. Enjoy!
My Journey In Many Experiences.
Again, ask yourself this question. Why do I have to experience anything? I remember an incident that happened when I was at a very young age. I found this heavily shaded giant oak tree.
I sat down under it. Then I felt the shade and a light breeze underneath me. I couldn’t take my mind off the bed-like crumble of earth. Laying back comfortably was so soothing that I fell asleep briefly.
What happened next? Ants began to claim me as their prey. They moved up my legs and over my body. I had to quickly move from my attempt to become Rip Van Winkle II. Now you know rip van winkle is fiction. Ants and eradicating bird species like buzzards and rodents start immediately to enforce cleanliness on the earth’s surface.
This was the “touching of the hot stove moment” at work for me in nature’s lesson. Believe it or not, you’re going to have a mentor in life. If not, mom or pop nature will say no, no, don’t go to sleep on the bare ground surface.
We are too big at any age to be a living human statue on earth. They (pest, animals) have been commissioned to remove the debris.
But the question remains. Why do even you or I have to experience things?
To answer this, I’ll share another incident while I was young. This time around, I was in the presence of some older men. I was spouting bible scriptures, and one of the men said: “he’s going to be like his granddaddy, a little preacher.” I smiled inwardly from ear to ear.
Just then, another man said, “yea, a preacher on Sunday and drunk on Monday.” Immediately, the smile quickly turned. Immediately, I said to myself, “I’m not going to be a drunk.” Even today, I never drank am 68.
Each time I think about it, I always ask myself why I didn’t say I was not going to be a preacher?.
My family raised beagle hounds on the farm. As near-blind pups, we would take rabbit fur and dangle it on the ground in front of them. They would aggressively attack and run after the fur to catch and destroy it.
Born out of the womb of a preacher’s daughter, I grew up having the baby beagle pup’s type of instincts. I wanted to attack any enemy opposing the eternal God’s pursuits to have all men live in harmony. I wanted to be his enforcer. But even the best of his soldiers gets outwitted.
In yet another child experience on the farm, we had a barn with an upstairs loft. I was sent there in the pouring rain to summon my older brother for dinner. I could hear them talking and eating candy stolen from my granddaddy store nearby. At once, I said to myself I was going to go tell. . In an instant, one of my brother’s friends was startled and asked who it was at the barn.
He saw me at the corner of the barn entrance and he knew I had caught them. My brother said, “oh, that’s Johnnie he’s ok he wont tell.”
I had my respect for my older brother, what he said stopped me cold, I dropped the idea of reporting them. But what I did was to go steal some candy from the same store the next time it rained.
My grandfather would not snap the little padlock closed on the store door. As it poured down blinding rain, I ran from the barn undid the open lock and went inside. Something unnatural began to happen inside the store. My penis started to get very hard. I didn’t even know I had a penis before then.
I started gathering Payday and Big-Time good candy bars. The more I took, the harder down there I got. Was this some type of warning? I escaped out of the store and back to the barn to eat the candy by myself.
On my next adventure to steal from the store, it was 12 noon, under the broad daylight. This time I took money, and I escaped the store undetected. When outside, I strangely realized I didn’t want the money. So, I began throwing it on the ground in the grass.
Then I said I was going to go get my two brothers and convince them to join me in a quest for finding money in a like-Easter egg hunt. I would lead them to where I threw the money and help them find it. As they were jumping on the money, mostly coins picking it up laughing and excited, my granddaddy had called my dad and informed him the store had been robbed.
My two brothers by then had gathered all the money. When my dad called out to all three of us, they looked like the guilty one’s. My big sister shouted, “Daddy, it wasn’t Johnnie; it wasn’t Johnnie, daddy.”
Obviously, my older sister had taken me into protective custody while my two younger brothers took a whipping switch beating, screaming, and hollering “we found the money, we found the money.”
They were crying mercilessly while I escaped even though I was the guilty one. That ended my thieving days for good. Examples listed here are a few times and experiences. There are countless others.
Ants taught me a lesson. My big brother, who was my mentor unknowingly, taught me how to steal. These were experiences I wish I had avoided. In some instances, we don’t experience Wisdom; at other times, we deliberately ignore it. I needed at an early age the wisdom of the Psalmist’s request.
This concept is viable. It’s worthy for self-examination and goal setting, educational, entertaining, challenging knowing that we can number our days by adding to what Pope Gregory XIII did in 1572, dating back to what happened in God’s creation’s seven days and my revealing Revelations.
In applying the answer of the psalmist’s prayer request, I define numbering your days as first having a tool or tools to track and monitor what are one’s goals for a time. Using the astrological study by wise men, we can know where the sun and moon in rotations would pinpoint a specific time. Seeing the energy drained from a person can tell how long the person must rest before he/she gets recharged. A tool is needed to allow every individual to be established by seeing the repeating actions of like minded members. We think this new revelation and answer is the Formula Cycle Calendar. That is your finger or footprint on future decisions you will make throughout your life’s journey.
There already exist habits programmed in us that we have limited authority to change. I mean I have to sleep, and I have to eat if I remain a human. God cursed the earth because of the disobedience of man. Otherwise this creature (man) would have been worthless eternally.
The Formula cycle year, unlike the calendar year, starts with God’s purpose for initiating the relationship between opposite partners, placing those desires in each of us as part of the make up to reproduce. He said “Be fruitful and multiply. Not a reactionary activity of the moon, the sun, and the seasons representing Calendar Years. But Cycle Years a reactionary activity within mankind. I defined these cycles in a formula captured as New Beginnings, Separation, Increase/Fruitful, Authority, Abundance, Struggle, and Completion/Perfection stages.
These cycles in humanity take place as the world turns.
When synced with one’s age from birth to death, they can govern the call and the creature called man. It’s a God-given universal order.set in stone it will not change.
The creator sets the pattern for a human even if he/she doesn’t want to acknowledge the existence of the God I’m referring to. All religions that don’t recognize the Bible as anything but just another book will get to see a real God through and from this ongoing research.
The God of the Bible exists and is in total control.
The God of the Bible wants all to be wise. And so, did our psalmist. He wants all humans to come to the full knowledge of truth to take full advantage, adding wisdom to all he has made available to them through His Grace.
Four categories of research further outlined in this book are some of the stories about:
- Political Leaders
- Sports superstars and teams
- Movie stars
Others, including Laypersons, world leaders, evil men, and women. The research tells us their cycle ages at the time of victory and defeats against opponents. Hitler and John Wilkes Booth are perfect examples.
Millions will get to use the cycle age calculator that is designed to get answers for questions concerning the formula cycle age of anyone they want to learn about.
Introducing this concept will teach how being able to function in Wisdom will have a major impact on life for youth now and in the future. We compare many routes others have taken in the course of history and contrast how this knowledge of numbering their days may have influenced them towards making a better decision.
The psalmist overarching plea and request have been answered. The world is like warriors who don’t know the war is over. They don’t have an enemy anymore or the Juneteenth slaves in Texas they hadn’t been told they were free. The world doesn’t know. All historians will have to footnote their writing to incorporate the Formula cycle years of those they have written about. Sports analysts will refer to Formula cycle ages as an added statistical fact about Athletic figures.
Psalms 90:12 is an Answered Prayer.
It’s exciting to know that his request has come to pass:
So, Teach Us to Number Our Days that we may apply our hearts unto Wisdom.
We will demonstrate how to Number Your Days and why many can undoubtedly always walk in Wisdom.
How to Number Your Days
To demonstrate our Formula Cycle Years in action, let’s see some notable figures in several spheres of life, from politics to sports.
Donald Trump
45th and current president of the United States. Before entering politics, he was a businessman and television personality.
Born: June 14, 1946 (age 74 years)
Assumed office: January 20, 2017
Age on election day: November 8,2016—– 70 years, 147 days.
Age when he assumed office: Jan 20,2017—- 70 years, 220 days.
7×10 = 70. He was in his Formula Cycle Age **(7) Completion and Perfection.
We do not make predictions. This formula cycle year for Mr Trump is good against an opponent those in any of the other formula cycle years.
Ted Cruz Born: Dec.22,1970 on November 8,2016 he is 45- 7×6 =42 plus 3 FCY Increase/Fruitful
John Kasich Born: May13,1952 he is 64 7×9=63 plus 1= New Beginnings FCY
We researched these 2 candidates and Hillary Clinton because they were in the race longer.
We see below the reason Hillary Clinton would not defeat Mr. Trump. She is in her FCY (6) Struggle.
**We also note Trump is 74 years old today at the FCY Authority.
Donald is faced with Joseph R. Biden who is 77 Formula Cycle Year (7) Completion and Perfection.
To demonstrate why Formula Cycle Age matters Kamala Harris is currently in her Formula Cycle Year (6) Struggle but by her birthday of October 20,2020 Senator Harris turns 56 7×8=56 She enters the Formula Cycle Year (7) Completion/Perfection 13 days before the November 3, election Harris enters her Formula Cycle Year (7) with Joe Biden this will determine whether both are elected to the highest offices in land of the United States of America. Also noted on November 20,2020 Joe Biden enters his 78 birthday. You know what that means Joe enters his Formula Cycle Year (1) New Beginnings. If you became the President of the United States. A job you had never had before would that be a New Beginning for you?
Hillary Clinton
American politician, diplomat, lawyer, writer, and public speaker who served as the 67th United States Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013, as a United States Senator from New York from 2001 to 2009, and as First Lady of the United States from 1993 to 2001.
Born: October 26, 1947
Lost election: November 3, 2016
Age when she lost election: 69 years
7×9=63 plus 6 Hillary is in formula cycle year (6) Struggle
George Washington
American political leader, military general, statesman, and founding father who served as the first president of the United States.
Born: February 22, 1732.
In office: April 30, 1789
He was 57 years old
7×8=56 plus 1. He was in his formula cycle year (1) New Beginnings.
New Beginnings for Mr. Washington means he is not asked to fight or design military strategy but to now Govern a new nation. A first of its kind duty and responsibility,
John Wikes Booth
John Wilkes Booth was an American stage actor who assassinated President Abraham Lincoln at Ford’s Theatre in Washington, D.C., on April 14, 1865.
Born: May 10, 1838, Bel Air, MD
Died: April 26, 1865, Port Royal, VA
He was 27 years old
7×3 is 21 plus 6. he is in formula cycle year (6) Struggle.
John had a promising career. Wisdom was absent when he took the life of a great president.
Leon Frank Czołgosz
May 5, 1873 – October 29, 1901) was an American steelworker and anarchist who assassinated American President William McKinley on September 6, 1901 in Buffalo, New York. Czolgosz was executed seven weeks later on October 29, 1901. While some American anarchists described his action as inevitable, motivated by the country’s brutal social conditions, others condemned his actions, arguing that he hindered the movement’s goals by damaging its public perception.
Leon was 28 years old.
7×4=28 he is in formula cycle age (7) completion and perfection’
Leon met judgment by electrocution on October ‘29,1901
Born: May 5, 1873
Died: October 29, 1901
He was 28 years old
7×4=28 he is in formula cycle age (7) completion and perfection’
Note: Remember judgment, humility and mercy trumps any formula cycle age.
Leon met judgment by electrocution on October ‘29,1901
Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer
Also known as the Milwaukee Cannibal or the Milwaukee Monster, Jeffrey was an American serial killer and sex offender who committed the murder and dismemberment of 17 men and boys from 1978 to 1991.
Born: May 21, 1960, Milwaukee, WI
Died: November 28, 1994, Columbia Correctional Institution, Portage, WI
Victims: 17
Jeffery was 34 years old.
7×4=28 plus 6 Jeffery is in his formula cycle year (6) Struggle.
This death captures the essence of man in his struggle for wisdom.
Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler was a German politician and leader of the Nazi Party. He rose to power as the chancellor of Germany in 1933 and then as Führer in 1934. During his dictatorship from 1933 to 1945, he initiated World War II in Europe by invading Poland on 1 September 1939. Nazi Germany used the 1936 Olympic Games for propaganda purposes. The Nazis promoted an image of a new, strong, and united Germany.
Born: April 20, 1889, Braunau am Inn, Austria
Died: April 30, 1945, Berlin, Germany
August 1936 was the calendar year of focus.
Hitler was 47 years old in 1936
7×6=42 plus 5. he is in formula cycle year (5) Abundance.
it’s no doubt it was an abundant act to put on these Olympic games.
However, Hitler suffered massive defeat at the hands of Jesse Owens.
When you search Jesse Owens born September 12, 1913 Jesse’s birthday has not come during the August,1936 games. So, Jesse is 22 years old. 7×3=21 plus 1 Jesse is in formula cycle year (1) New Beginnings. We learn here *New Beginnings defeats Abundance with a egotistical mindset, something Hitler was suffering with,
Note: 10 days after leaving his (6) formula cycle age Struggle to enter his formula cycle year (7) completion/perfection. Hilter is dead (judgment) at age 56.
Tiger Woods
Eldrick Tont “Tiger” Woods is an American professional golfer. Woods was named Sports Illustrated’s 1996 Sportsman of the Year and PGA Tour Rookie of the Year. On April 13, 1997, he won his first major, the Masters, in record-breaking fashion and became the tournament’s youngest winner at age 21.He is tied for first in PGA Tour wins and ranks second in men’s major championships and also holds numerous golf records. Woods is widely regarded as one of the greatest golfers, and one of the most famous athletes of all time. Born: December 30, 1975 (age 44 years), Cypress, CA.
The focus of this research is Tiger Woods’ first win. 1997 he is 21 years old,
7×3=21 he is in formula cycle age (7) Completion and Perfection’
noted: Tiger’s father was Earl Woods. HE IS 65 AT THE TIME OF TIGER WIN IN 1997.
HE IS IN HIS FORMULA CYCLE YEAR 2—7X9=63 PLUS (2) Separation. Earl is a million miles apart from any father. He produced a CHAMPION’
Earvin “Magic” Johnson
Earvin “Magic” Johnson Jr. is an American retired professional basketball player. On May 16, 1980, Los Angeles Lakers point guard Earvin “Magic” Johnson stepped in for injured center Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and scored 42 points, leading the Lakers to a four games-to-two series win over the Philadelphia 76ers for their first championship since 1972.
Born: August 14, 1959 (age 60 years), Lansing, MI
Focus research on magic’s first NBA national championship in 1980.
The championship was decided in May of 1980. HE IS 20 YEARS OLD his formula cycle age (6) Struggle proving you can overcome in your cycle age 6 struggle.
What may be telling is that Magic was in a different zone as he was reeling off his 19-year-old performance in the college basketball championship in March 1979.
7×2=14 plus 5 formula cycle age (5) Abundance. Certainly, Magic was in his year of plenty of more and more.
Michael Jordan
Michael Jeffrey Jordan, also known by his initials MJ, is an American former professional basketball player who is the principal owner of the Charlotte Hornets of the National Basketball Association. He played 15 seasons in the NBA, winning six championships with the Chicago Bulls. Born: February 17, 1963 (age 57 years), Brooklyn, New York, NY
Focus research is on Michael first NBA NATIONAL TITLE WIN’1991
Michael is 28 years old.
7×4=28 he is in formula cycle age (7) Completion and Perfection
Well let’s add his repeat performances.
Next championship 1992. He is 29 cycle age 7×4=28 plus (1) New Beginnings
Next championship 1993 he was 30 formula cycle age 7×4=28 plus (2) Separation.
Yep you guessed it he retires.
Note: Sadly, 7×8=56 while in his formula cycle year (7) his father is killed on July,23 1993. In 1993 8 days away from his formula cycle age (1) New Beginnings.
Phil Jackson
American former professional basketball player, coach, and executive in the National Basketball Association. A power forward, Jackson played 12 seasons in the NBA, winning NBA championships with the New York Knicks in 1970 and 1973.
Born: September 17, 1945 (age 74 years), Deer Lodge, MT
Focus research is on Phillip (Phil Jackson) personal player’s career.
In 1969 Phil as a player helped take the New York Knicks to a national title.
Phil is 24 years old.
7×3=21 plus 3 formula cycle age (3) Increase fruitful then in 1973 another championship Phil is 28 7×4=28 (7) formula cycle age completion and perfection.
While standing in the presence of a king you would think he is evil, if he ordered a sword to cut a newborn baby in half. Solomon did, as the newly anointed king of a great nation and people. Beforehand, King Solomon had asked God for wisdom to go in and out among the people. Not riches or fame but WISDOM. Wisdom is learning how to take the knowledge given and apply it to our lives in a workable manner, so that it benefits us, and benefits the lives of others.
Solomon wisdom exposed light and darkness in this instant. The darkness from the woman who lied the child was hers and the light from the woman’s love for her beloved child that she would rather give it up to live if it meant she would lose it to the king’s orders. Wisdom was on display by Solomon but also by the real Mother.
How would you know when you’re most likely to hit major success in life? Formula Cycle Years is not a horoscope or astronomy reading. Rather, it’s the internal use of God’s infinite wisdom within us to direct the affairs of mankind. You can leverage the wisdom of this revelation to prepare yourself for different seasons of your life, and how to cope with trials and adversity.
When God answers our prayers, it doesn’t matter if we see a glowing sign or strange signals.
Our knowledge is limited to understanding His power. His scriptures teach us that His gifts and calling are without repentance. That makes everyone a candidate for his Love and Mercy. That reminds us that one psalmist declared that his Mercy Endures Forever, for over 10 times pleading to us not to forget that salient Point.
In the end, all glory returns to God for giving such a dimension of wisdom unto his creation. You can join a host of others to glorify God and thank him for this revelation. More so, you can celebrate the foresight it will give you, even as you watch in amazement as things begin to take perfect shape in your Formula Cycle Years…..
My model is based on the (7) seven days creation story. Each activity that God did in each of the seven days had symbolic implication on the years in the life of Mankind. The seven days We term them as “Formula Cycle Years” because they are designed with numbers and Cycles We also note these (7) Seven Formula Cycle Years are unique repeating itself over after every (7) year period from birth or conception to the last breath taken. To learn more about the cycle years, check our resource on the subject.
Example - Formula Cycle™ Year

We do not make predictions. This Formula Cycle™ Year for Mr Trump is good against an opponent those in any of the other formula cycle years.
John Wilkes Booth was an inspiring actor he was 27 years old when he shot our beloved President Lincoln.
Question. What Formulas Cycle™ Year was Booth at the time?
Michael Jordan was 28 when he won his first NBA National Basketball Association Championship
Question. What Micheal Formula Cycle™ Year?