Formula Cycle New Beginnings

Your Formula Cycle Years   Special Bulletin

22:39 PM
Sun, Feb 09

We start by defining (1) New Beginnings. It’s the start of something new, e.g., New job, a promotion, a new perspective, a fresh start marking the beginning of destiny. We may see many examples because there is no new thing under the sun. But how can we find the niche to a fresh start for us? And hopefully, have it make life more comfortable for humanity.

Just as a child who was formed inside a protected shelter for nine months, in most cases. The birth and the New Beginnings came from the charge-ordered to “be fruitful and multiply,” which triggered the embedded code to conform to God’s command. “In our image after our likeness” spells endless Possibilities!

The year 2020 will never be forgotten. A missing statistic will be how many humans started a new beginning year in heaven because of a deadly virus? They were also relieved of the misery that the survivors like you and I will continue to persevere to overcome to be persistent in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving our successes.

I have learned more about my country in which I live this year than my 68 years on earth. The story that most inspires me is the one of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. A selfish reason is that based on his life expectancy, I have 9 or 10 more years left on my watch before the expiration date elapses and I am discarded.

No, the bible says I fly away. But here is a citizen that knows so much more about the country I am just understanding. He understands what democracy is and that one vote per person makes us all equals.

He understood when he saw an off-the-rails and off-the-tracks evil spirit. You see, as a preacher, I speak in spiritual terms. Yes, an evil spirit that would deceive the very elect if it were so. He caught that, and said wait a minute before my death; I need to do something.

So, he did start by starting in his FCY (7) Completion/Perfection on November 20, 2019, internally speaking within himself, with wheels churning, the energy flowing day by day, moment by moment.

I believe prayers without ceasing flowed from his heart and lips. He exclaimed, “I am going to run for President of this great country. To turn the tidal wave of deception and pillaging rights after rights till this country becomes a dunghill.”

“…the rule of law becomes a pretzel if I do not act NOW,” as he would continuously hear echoed from the lips of the rich and powerful who would say “let them eat cake.” But the anointed of God, Joseph R. Biden Jr prevailed.

We cannot say there has not been a bright spot or ray of sunshine or a rainbow hovering over our future because God spoke resoundingly for his Beloved Nation and people. If the pandemic had not come to sit me down to hear his voice as I was pursuing another failed venture, this revelation and this plea from the ancients scriptures may have gone without recognition as we would all still not know that Psalms 90:12 is an Answered Prayer.

I can’t wait to do a conception search on Joe’s parents because the mother had to be in FCY (7) at conception.
I said all that to get to this fact and the main point. Are you Ready? Drums are rolling!
Joseph R. Biden Jr, on November 20, 2020, turned 78: 7×11=77+1.

The (1) represents New Beginnings. The President of the United States of America’s role, which Joe has not had before, is a new beginning.

Hey, you all, it’s not just New Beginnings for Joe but a New Beginnings for our Nation.

And to prove it was ordained of God. Know this, God will never go in league with a Unrepentant Liar.

Note: God will use his judgment to chastise to correct any creature he created and take them down even if he/she is in the (1)New Beginnings status or any of the formula cycle years.

We give you a brief question and answer exam to determine who would be in a New Beginnings status from these Questions?

#1. Suppose a person Graduates from Princeton University in 1986. In FCY (1) 1993, he decided to establish an online bookstore and be the founder of Amazon in late 1994. As we have noted, the idea starts at a new beginning stage and expands.

In 2000, at 36 FCY (1), Jeff Bezos founded the aerospace manufacturer and sub-orbit spaceflight service company, Blue Origin. In November 2007, Bezos launched the Amazon Kindle.

The ventures and awards are too numerous to add to this page. I am interested to know his parents’ formula cycle year at conception. We will have no problem matching this child’s most remarkable achievements from the parents FCY at Conception.

Certainly, this person has experienced some New Beginnings? Answer:
( )yes ( ) no

#2. Suppose a person born in 1963 played 15 seasons in the NBA and won six championships with the Chicago Bulls. Termed “By acclamation, Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time.” At 28 FCY (7) and 29 FCY (1) in 1999, he entered into retirement in his year of a new beginning and became a partner owner. We are all waiting for a National Championship as an Owner.

Has this person experienced some New Beginnings? Answer: ( ) yes or ( ) no

3-If a person is drafted in the National Football League 199 player by New England Patriots picked in 6th round on April 15,2000 at age 22 a New Beginnings cycle year.Over 20 seasons gathering MVP Awards,14 pro bowl appearances. Super Bowl win as starter first season. Adding (5) more Super Bowl wins with the Patriots. In 2020 at age 43 starting a New Beginnings year for Tom he signs a 2 year contract with Tampa Bay Buc.

Certainly this person has experienced New Beginnings years
In his life time? (Yes) (No)
4-If a person is selected as Vice Presidential candidate and with his running mate
He becomes the elected Vice President at age 57 a new beginning cycle year for him,

Is that person experience of a formula cycle age New Beginnings validated (Yes) (No)

To be in your FCY new beginning year is to seek to help others, not harm them. Seek to be the leader of new ideas, never to give up if your concepts have merits. As a member, you can now use our formula cycle Conception tool to determine his parents’ conception age.

These parents’ ages as formula cycle years are known to be the most successful years for the child. We will attempt to give the family two (2) celebration dates for the child, a Conception Birthday and a New born Birthday.

Our hope is if young girls find themselves in a conception state in life, they can look forward to the Conception Celebration and the Celebration for the Newborn.

If you live 15 formula cycle New Beginnings years, you would be 99 years old. My God Bless You ????!

We are grateful for all music, photos and articles used as educational information and demonstrations. Psalms9012 is a subsidiary of The 24 Minute Ministry,Inc A non-profit 501c3 organization since 2009
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