Formula Cycle Completion / Perfection

Your Formula Cycle Years   Special Bulletin

22:00 PM
Sun, Feb 09

We start by defining Completion/Perfection as year 7. It means excellent accomplishments and confidence! Your strengths are on display at the top of your game, and you are more robust, having survived the struggle year. It also shows that your ideas and business model are completed. This means it’s time to relax and enjoy the success of your labor.

Note: God will use his judgment to chastise to correct any creature he created or take them down even if he/she is in a Completion/Perfection status or any of the formula cycle years.

We give you a brief question and answer exam to determine who would be completing/perfecting these Questions.

#1-If a very famous president once stated “I want to nominate a man who had the good sense to marry Michelle Obama”. This was none other than Our 42nd President of the United States Willian j.”Bill” Clinton.He Quoted this famous and true statement in his 2012 August Democratic Convention speech (gives you chill bumps) both Michelle and the 2nd term newly elected President Barack Obama who would be in his FCY New Beginnings at 50 accompanying him the beloved wife and two termed First Lady who came into her FCY (7) Completion/Perfection 3 Days before JAN 20,2013 at their second Inauguration.

With too numerous of other (7) FCY to add in this short essay.her 1985 fcy starts at Harvard University,her struggle year 1991 she endured the death of a very best friend and her beloved Father one whom she stood in Awe of. Both pierced a hole in her heart. but along came 1992 A(7) FCY AND THE MARRIAGE TO THE LOVE OF HER LIFE HER KNIGHT IN SHINY ARMOUR. Barack H.Obama,Jr to mend the broken heart.

Has this person experienced over her illustrious life been a recipient of and represented by (7) FCY. Completion/Perfection? (YES) (NO)

#2. Suppose a person is recognized as the central figure known as the most valuable player or his/her business achievements are in plain view. Having subdued all opposition facing them and these accomplishments are visible without controversy or their teams becomes the best at that profession… Does it mean that the person is in some completion/perfection status?
Answer: ( ) yes or ( ) no

#3. Suppose a person has the commitment, drive, and determination that they will succeed. The person puts in the right amount of energy towards an endeavor in the New Beginning year, including ideas and business goals. The pay off shows up in this Completion/Perfection (7). As such, this Cycle year adds a triumphant period to the accomplishments of the person. Is that person in some Completion/Perfection?
Answer: ( ) yes or ( ) no

#4. Suppose a person fails to set goals in their New Beginnings year to reach a specific summit in sports, business, or educational achievements. In that case, they may not recognize the year they are experiencing as a completion/perfection year. But the great news is that a New Beginning can be started in the Next year.

As one would say, a fresh start approaches you very soon. Suppose this person is determined to put the past behind them to start afresh to keep focused and determined to have the next completion/perfection yield a different result. Is that person in some completion/perfection?
Answer: ( ) yes or ( ) no

#5. Suppose a person is willing to seek out sound advice, he/she is teachable and trains without attention to pain. Having a never quitting attitude absorbing information from other counselors serves them well. Listen to what Alexander Graham Bell said to Mr. Watson “come here, I want to see you,” the start of a year of completion and perfection 1875. 7.14.21etc represents these years…

We have researched that when the mother is in this cycle age at conception/perfection, the child is the highest achiever among the siblings. You are welcome to search for a different analysis in our conception search tool. Will your search determine that these persons are in some Completion/Perfection?
Answer: ( ) yes or ( ) no

To be in your Completion/Perfection year Is to seek to help others, not harm them. Seek to be the best advisor with your experience. Never give legal or medical advice unless you are licensed by proper authority to provide such counseling.

As a member, you can now use our formula cycle conception tool to determine the parents’ conception age.
These parents’ ages as formula cycle years are known to be the most successful years for the child.

We will attempt to give families two (2) celebration dates for the child a Conception Birthday and a Newborn Birthday.

Our hope is if young girls find themselves in a conception state in life, they can look forward to the Birthday Celebration and the Conception Celebration for the Newborn.

If you live 14 formula cycle Completion/Perfection years, you would be 98 years old. My God Bless You ????!

We are grateful for all music, photos and articles used as educational information and demonstrations. Psalms9012 is a subsidiary of The 24 Minute Ministry,Inc A non-profit 501c3 organization since 2009
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