Formula Cycle Increase / Fruitfulness™
Your Formula Cycle Years™ Special Bulletin
Sun, Feb 09
We start by defining Increase/Fruitfulness (3). It’s the year of benefits, affluence, and increase. In this FCY, the ideas from New Beginnings are more visible. As the person(s) advances, the ability to do something better in a way meditated upon in FCY Increase/Fruitfulness becomes more fluid and obvious.
Note: God will use his judgment to chastise to correct any creature he created and take them down even if he/she is in the (3)Increase/Fruitfulness status or any of the formula cycle years.
We give you a brief question and answer exam to determine who would be (3)Increase/Fruitfulness from these Questions.
#1. Suppose a person is a self-taught lawyer, 1854, a debater of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, to denounce slavery. The person went ahead to win the presidency in 1861, a year of Increase/Fruitful. His Emancipation Proclamation paved the way for slavery’s abolishment and added Increase/fruitfulness to millions. His Gettysburg Address is a most famous oratory speech.
Has this person experienced some Increase/Fruitfulness Years ? Answer:
( ) yes or ( ) no
#2. Suppose a person takes his company public in 1986 and, at an early age, was thought by his parents to be bored and withdrawn onto becoming a loner. However, he scheduled the class attendance in his high school computer to be in class with more girls. A person with a photogenic memory to remember license plates of employees is showing great Increase/Fruitfulness with a high degree of precision.
Has that person experienced some Increase/Fruitfulness? Answer: ( ) yes or ( ) no
#3. Suppose a person becomes the CEO of Hewlett-Packard in 1999, the largest seller of personal computers, overseeing the most extensive technology sector merger in history. Unfortunately, she was forced to resign in 2005, a Separation (2) FCY. In 2016, a Struggle (6) FCY, she failed to receive her party’s Republican Presidential nomination.With the then party’s eventual nominee attempting to embarrass her publicly.. According to The Wall Street Journal, as of 2015, an Abundance (5) FCY, she had a net worth of $59 million. Today, she is 66 years old and is celebrating an FCY (3) Increase/Fruitfulness.
Is that person in an Increased/Fruitfulness year? Answer: ( ) yes or ( ) no
#4. If a person wins the 2020 Super Bowl at the age of 24 FCY (3), the same FCY period his father was at conception. Even his competition as quarterback outranked him as a FCA. His opponent QB with San Francisco was 28 and FCY (7). The problem is the quarterbacks were not competing; the defensive coordinators were lead competitors in the 2020 Super Bowl game.
In the end the QB player and winner of the 2020 Super Bowl had assistance from his defensive coordinator. Which was in his FCY (4) of Authority, Steve competed with his counterpart Robert of the San Francisco defensive coordinator. Check this out? Two (2) days before the Super Bowl 2020 kick-off, the defensive coordinator Robert turned age 41 and entered an FCY (6) of Struggle. At that time, Steve (4) Authority would out rank Robert (6) Struggle.
The sportswriter got it right by writing these two words, “THE DEFENSE!” Before his 25th Birthday, the winning QB player was awarded a $100 plus million dollar contract WELL DESERVED!.
Has that person experienced some Increase/Fruitfulness? Answer: ( ) yes or ( ) no
To be in your Increase/Fruitfulness year Is to seek to help others, not harm them. Seek to be the best advisor with your experience. Never give legal or medical advice unless you are licensed by proper authority to provide such counseling.
As a member, you can now use our formula cycle conception tool to determine the parents’ conception age. These parents’ ages as formula cycle years are known to be the most successful years for the child.
We will attempt to give the family two (2) celebration dates for the child a Conception Birthday and a New born Birthday.
Our hope is if young girls find themselves in a conception state in life, they can look forward to the Conception Celebration and the Celebration for the Newborn.
If you live 15 formula cycles Increased/Fruitfulness years, you would be 101 years old. My God Bless You ????!